Metered Parking
Time limits and prices vary. Check signage or meter for details.
Payment Options
- Coin - meters accept Canadian $.05, $.10, $.25, $1 and $2
- PayByPhone (parking app)
Payment is not required at parking meters on statutory holidays.
Faulty Meter? Contact us with the meter ID # located on the meter face.
Reserve a Meter
Parking meters can be reserved for special events, guests of honour, construction, or for other purposes, at the discretion of Parking and Transportation Services.
Stadium Parkade
Located off College Drive
Daytime 6am-6pm | $3.00/hour. $15.00/exit daily max. |
Evenings 6pm-6am | $1.50/hour. $6/exit nightly max. |
Weekend and Stat Holidays | $1.50/hour. $6/exit daily max. |
Beginning April 28, 2025: | $1.00/hour for first hour. Above rates apply after first hour. |
- Height Restriction - 2.0M
- 829 stalls
- 259 electrified stalls located on Levels 2, 3, and 4
- Pay on exit, fully automated, unstaffed lot.
- In operation 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
Payment Options
- Cash denominations of $20.00 or less
- Debit or Credit cards: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover
Lot 1 (Place Riel)
Located by Place Riel
Daytime 6am-6pm | $3.00/hour. No daily max. |
Evenings 6pm-6am | $1.50/hour. $6/exit nightly max. |
Weekend and Stat Holidays | $1.50/hour. $6/exit daily max. |
- Approximately 141 spaces (non-electrified)
- Pay on exit, fully automated, unstaffed lot
- In operation 24 hours per day, 7 days per week
- Must exit daily prior to 6am
Payment Options
- Cash denominations of $20.00 or less
- Debit or Credit cards: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover
Lot 3 (PAC)
Located by the PAC
Daytime 6am-6pm | $3.00/hour. No daily max. |
Evenings 6pm-6am | $1.50/hour. $6/exit nightly max. |
Weekend and Stat Holidays | $1.50/hour. $6/exit daily max |
- Approximately 60 spaces (electrified)
- PayByPhone or at machine unstaffed lot
- In operation 24 hours per day, 7 days per week
- Must exit daily prior to 6am
Payment Options
- Coins
- Debit or Credit cards: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover
Lot 4 (Education)
Located by College of Education off Innovation Blvd
Daytime 6am-6pm | $3.00/hour. $15.00/exit daily max. |
Evenings 6pm-6am | $1.50/hour. $6/exit nightly max. |
Weekend and Stat Holidays | $1.50/hour. $6/exit daily max. |
Beginning April 28, 2025: | $1.00/hour for first hour. Above rates apply after first hour. |
- 207 spaces (non-electrified).
- Pay on exit, fully automated, unstaffed lot.
- In operation 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
- Must exit daily prior to 6am.
Payment Options
- Cash denominations of $20.00 or less
- Debit or Credit cards: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover
Lot 5 (Agriculture Parkade)
Located beneath Agriculture Building - Science Place Access
Daytime 6am-6pm | $3.00/hour. $18.00 per exit/daily max. |
Evenings 6pm-6am | $1.50/hour. $6/exit nightly max. |
Monthly | $250/month plus GST |
Weekend and Stat Holidays | $1.50/hour. $6/exit daily max. |
- Approximately 141 spaces.
- Height restriction - 2.1 M
- Heated underground facility.
- Pay on exit, fully automated, unstaffed lot.
- In operation 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
- Must exit daily prior to 6am.
Payment Options
- Cash denominations of $20.00 or less
- Debit or Credit cards: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover
Health Sciences Parkade
Located beneath Health Sciences Building - Clinic Place Access off Hospital Drive
Daily 6am-11pm | $4/hour. No daily max. |
Monthly | $325/month plus GST |
Stat Holidays | Lot Closed |
- Approximately 90 spaces.
- Height restriction - 2.1 M
- Heated underground facility.
- Pay on exit, fully automated, unstaffed lot.
- In operation 7 days per week. Hours 06:00 - 23:00
- Closed Statutory holidays
- Must exit daily prior to 6 am.
Payment Options
- Cash denominations of $20.00 or less
- Debit or Credit cards: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover
Lots R & G (After Hours)
Lot R Located by the PAC
Lot G Located by Edwards School of Business
Monday - Friday 6am - 4pm | Reserved. Staff parking only. |
Evenings 4pm - 6am | $1.50/hour. $6/exit nightly max. |
Weekend and Stat Holidays | $1.50/hour. $6/exit daily max. |
- Pay on exit, fully automated, unstaffed lot
- Must exit daily prior to 6 am.
- Both lots electrified
Payment Options
- Cash denominations of $20.00 or less
- Debit or Credit cards: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover
Lot 20 (Merlis Belsher Place)
Located in front of Merlis Belsher Place
Monday - Friday 8am-3pm |
Weekends and Stat Holidays | Free |
- Approximately 380 spaces
- In operation 7 days a week
- Must exit Daily
Payment Options
- PayByPhone
- Coins
- Debit or Credit cards: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover
Night and Weekend Parking
- Night permits are NOT required in staff or student lots (excluding Lots G, N and R) from May 1-August 31 annually.
Night Permits
Night parking permits can be purchased in person at Parking and Transportation Services. Night parking permits cost $105.00 (GST included) per term (Sept-Dec or Jan-Apr) or $210.00 (GST included) for the full academic year (Sept-Apr).
When properly displayed, the night permit is valid:
- Mon-Thurs 4pm-5am for Lots F, G, H, HA, K, N, O, Q, R, S, T, V, W, Y, and Z
Hourly/Nightly Parking
- After 4pm parking in Lot E costs $2.00 per night by using PayByPhone (location 15775)
- After 4pm pay parking is available in Lots G and R.
Weekend Parking Options
No Payment or permit required in the following areas:
- Fri 4pm-Mon 5am for Lots F, H, HA, K, O, Q, S, T, V, Y, and Z
Motorcycle Parking
There are many motorcycle parking lots located throughout campus.
Anyone wishing to park in a motorcycle lot must purchase a motorcycle permit. Permits are sold for a calendar year and cost $105.00 (GST included). All permits expire Dec 31 annually. Motorcycle permits are associated to the motorcycle's licence plate. You will have to provide the licnece plate number when purchasing the permit. Motorcycle permits are not pro-rated.
Event Parking
- Huskie Fan Zone Parking
- Convocation
- Marquis Events Centre
- PAC and Recreation Services (including Kids Activity Camps and Swimming Lessons)
Delivery or Service Vehicles
Couriers, delivery vehicles and other service vehicles must park legally at all times and are required to pay for parking. Businesses or contractors can make arrangements for more convenient payment options by contacting Parking and Transportation Services.
University Vehicle Only stalls are reserved for marked University vehicles only. This allows University service vehicles to access all buildings for maintenance and emergencies when required.