Frequently Asked Questions

Go to the Employee Parking and Eco Pass channel in PAWS.  Apply for parking to be on the waitlist for your preferred location.  Select “Apply for Parking” and check off parking lots you are interested in at:

From the Employee Parking and Eco Pass channel on PAWS you can find your parking profile, including all vehicles linked to your account. Here you can remove vehicles and add new ones. If you need to update a vehicle (i.e. new vehicle but same plate) you will have to remove the old entry and enter a new one with all of the information.

Please note that each vehicle can only be listed on one account.

Staff and Faculty Parking

Go to the Employee Parking and Eco Pass channel in PAWS.

Parking can only be cancelled effective on the 15th or last day of a month.

Cancellation form must be submitted at least one day prior to the cancellation date. Parking permit(s) must be returned after the last day of parking.

Once you cancel your parking there is no guarantee that you will get your stall back immediately on request. You would have to put your name back on the waiting list and if a stall in your preferred lot is available, it will be re-assigned where possible.

Unless specified you will be removed from all waiting lists upon cancellation.

Student Parking

Student permits can be returned for a refund, pursuant to our Permit Refund Policy.

If an employee has parking on campus, in a gated lot, and wishes to share their parking, they can contact the parking office to obtain an additional parking pass(es).   

A deposit of $25.00 plus GST per pass is payable upon permit pick up. This is refundable upon returning the additional pass(es). Only the employee to whom the parking has been assigned can request / purchase and/or return these additional pass(es).   

Any payment collected from the employee you are sharing with cannot exceed the monthly parking fee, as it is against the bylaws to profit from shared parking.  

Parking permits must be properly displayed while parked otherwise a ticket may be issued.  

The pass(es) are “pooled” by Parking Services into a group. Any attempt to have more than one pass within this “pool” used at the same time is subject to fines for all vehicles in the pool that are found to be in violation. 

Parking Services does not support finding employees to share additional “pooled” pass(es) with.

For additional information please contact Parking and Transportation Services.

Go to the Employee Parking and Eco Pass channel in PAWS.

A limited number of Eco Passes are available for eligible faculty and staff. Employees must apply for an Eco Pass before September 15 to be eligible. Passes will be available after October 1 of each year.

Apply for EcoPass

To participate in this program, you cannot have a monthly parking pass.

We strive to ensure that parking lots are kept in a usable state to the best of our abilities. Disabled parking areas, loading docks, roads and sidewalks are first priority for snow removal followed by parking lots.  Snow removal from parking lots is determined on the level of accumulation. Sand and salt are used as needed to help with traction. For more information about the university’s snow clearing plan, please see this website: Snow and Ice: Clearing and Removal - Saskatoon Campus - Service project.

Any surplus revenue after operating expenses goes back to the University both within Consumer Services and the overall university operations.

No. All lots require permits at all times. Meters and pay parking lots continue to operate as normal. All bylaws will continue to be enforced during final exams. If you do not have a student permit, you will have use public pay parking.

Parking stalls are designated by the stall marker posts, with one stall on either side of each post, within the designated parking area. Where parallel parking is required, the post should be directly in front of or behind your vehicle. Where nose-in parking is required, the post should be directly to the left or right of the front of your vehicle.

Parking your vehicle so that it is not entirely within the boundaries of a single stall may result in a fine.

Yes. Your valid permit must be properly displayed at all times when you are parked in a reserved parking lot. Permits can be displayed either on the rear view mirror or on the driver's side of the dashboard, front facing with the entire permit visible through the windshield. Failure to display your permit properly may result in a fine.

Yes. All outside contractors and delivery persons must pay for parking on campus. Please contact Parking and Transportation Services to see if any contractor parking is available.

Yes. Please see our page about electrical outlets for more information.

Park at the nearest available parking meter and contact Parking and Transportation Services immediately. They will send an enforcement officer out to issue a ticket to the person in your stall.

The University of Saskatchewan is private property, and parking is allowed only in designated areas. You may only park in an area that is specifically designated as a parking zone by a sign or a parking meter. Parking in an area that is not designated as a parking area may result in a fine.

Permits are non-transferable. Do not buy a permit from anyone but Parking and Transportation Services, as they will not be valid.

If you no longer need your permit, you can return it to Parking and Transportation Services. If the permit is a staff/faculty permit, it can be cancelled at any time. If the permit is a student permit, it can be returned for a partial refund.

No. All vehicles parked on campus must be properly registered and insured. Non-registered or non-insured vehicles will be towed and impounded at the registered owner's expense.

Contact Parking and Transportation Services immediately and inform them of the situation. You will be given time to resolve the issue, but it is your responsibility to have the vehicle removed from campus as quickly as possible.